Subscriptions for 1st March 2025 - 28th February 2026
For more details regarding memberships, email: for details
The Putaruru Golf Club has reciprocal rights with Tokoroa and Tirau golf clubs.
Full Playing members can therefore play those courses at a discounted rate of $20 by producing their membership card.
$740 Per Year
A member paying the full subscription set at the AGM each year, entitling the member to full use of the course and facilities, an official NZGA handicap and entry to all club competitions and tournaments.
$400 Per year
A member who pays the reduced subscription, who joins Putaruru Golf Club for the first time and has not previously held any membership of any golf club within the last 2 years. The player is entitled to the same privileges as a full playing member. The discount reduces over the first two years of membership, with the full subscription paid in the third year.
$505 Per year
The level of membership at Putaruru Golf Club Inc. provides membership benefits, access to events, and so much more. These members enjoy so many amazing aspects of our exclusive club — you’ll want to join them! Want to find out more about this membership and even more details? Get in touch with us today.
$575 Per year
The level of membership at Putaruru Golf Club Inc. provides membership benefits, access to events, and so much more. These members enjoy so many amazing aspects of our exclusive club — you’ll want to join them! Want to find out more about this membership and even more details? Get in touch with us today.
$310 Per year
Entitles the member to full use of the course and facilities, an official NZGA handicap and entry to all competitions and tournaments. No voting rights conferred.
$100 Per year
18 years and under as of 1st March. Membership entitles the Junior Member to use the course and facilities as determined by the Match Committee and have an official NZGA handicap. They can play in competitions arranged for them and tournaments. No voting rights are conferred.
$80 Per year
This category entitles the member to the use of the Club House but not the course. No voting rights are conferred.
$515 Per year